
I love using mayo in place of butter on the outside of grilled cheese. It airfrys nicely too!

Nailed it.

It’s almost as if sociopathy has nothing to do with gender. Hmmm.

Yep. That’s EXACTLY how ponzi schemes work. Bitcoin is Amway for Bros..

The only time they ban posts is when the offending content is BLATANTLY obvious. Any creatively racist posts fly under the radar and the racist trolls have gotten very good at the use of euphemisms to spread their hate. I’ve even reported some posts linking black people to apes and I got a form post back from

I flew Southwest this weekend and as I was exiting my plane one of the crew transferring in was wearing a transparent, mesh mask. It really made me think that some of these rumors have a grain of truth..


Late stage capitalism. 

I love how the mother claimed that their family values are diverse and that.. wait for it.. “All Lives Matter.” SMH


Pedantry will get you nowhere..

I don’t know what’s more ‘Murican. Your statement or the eagle..

Shouldn’t that angel have more heads and arms... and stuff?

Do you need a hacker? Just download this app, take a short survey and we’ll connect you with one of 10,000 hackers worldwide using our free, online service!”

Do you need a hacker? Just download this app, take a short survey and we’ll connect you with one of 10,000 hackers

Peter Thiel has to make his blood money somehow..

Peter Thiel has to make his blood money somehow..

Howard the Duck


Biden eviscerates them in a kinder, gentler way..