
Hey, it’s cold in Moscow. Give the author a break..

TV = programming..

I think this article is valid in it’s point about racism. If you want ridiculous race-baiting articles, go to the Root..

Is that like Iowa “nice?” Because I hate midwestern “nice.”

In all fairness, the troll’s comment DID get 300 likes from idiots..

Ignore the shitpost troller. His Kinja history says it all..

This is a race baiting article and you are a racist. Both you and the author can go to hell..

Still better than serenading your cat to Seal's'Kiss From a Rose.' Google it.. it will make you feel better.

This explains the geriatric cult of Fox News..

Yeah, looks like trash, flash animation..

“This was a single example of some shady bullshit both on the part of the players involved and Kotaku selling a hot-button narrative to generate engagement.


I’m betting they had looser rules of engagement than most deployed in combat zones.. =/


What, are you some kind of robot?..

What, are you some kind of robot?..


The lack of editorial proofing made me cringe..

Watch Legends of Tomorrow..

I guarantee that there are paid agitators in the crowd. Either set up by a foreign rival (Russia) or by Trump’s people. In the case of the former; to create an embarrassing incident or the latter as a “I told you this would happen” moment..