
You made my day with this response.

But I don't understand. Why don't you want to be skinny like me? Why are you so happy being what I consider gross while I'm over here eating rabbit food because I *think* being skinny will make me happy? Stop being so happy! Stop! YOU'RE RUINING YOUR BODY AND I'M JUST SO SO SO WORRIED FOR YOU. I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO

Regardless of how "ugly" somebody may be, there is likely somebody out there for them. I see couples in Walmart that prove this every day.

No, it's not your business.

When it comes to weight, people need to learn to keep their eyes on their own paper. Period. You cannot help a stranger with an eating disorder, and let's face it - you don't really want to. You do not care, so stop pretending you do. Even if you do, barring the unlikely event that they come to you and ask you for

I can't wait to see what kind of crazy assholes this comment is going to bring out of the woodwork.

How about the fact that a person's health, actual or perceived (and no, statistical analysis does not make you an individual fat person's doctor), has zero bearing on whether or not it's okay to be a dick to them?

Communication is her job, you're right to correct her.

Well that was one of the least jerkwaddy pedantic responses I've seen in the history of internet correction comments. Feel free to place this endorsement on your CV, fact file, business card or tshirt. Etc. Signed, a random internet lurker.

Nothing jerky about it. People need to know. Also, I have a similar comment also in the grays.

I'm not pretending anything. I eat healthy, I am healthy, I don't eat an outlandish calorie load, and my body stores fat. Yeah, I've found that it requires a rather insane insane amount of extra work to lose weight. Which would make being fat my body's "natural" state, to use your term, and would therefore make

I am so sick of the fat shamers and food police. The other day, in the grocery store, one of these stupid bitches actually took Nutella and Oreos out of my cart, saying, "Honey, you don't need those."

I'm always really surprised by how ignorant some people on Jezebel are about this issue, too. It was nice to hear I'm not the only one. It can be very daunting. I'm SO impressed with how well you can let that go!!! I hope you don't mind my messaging you just to say "Hey" and let you know you aren't alone. I'm in

I shouldn't be surprised by the number of comments here equating weight with health/non-health, and obesity with poor food choices, yet I am. I'm continually shocked how many people don't keep up with progress in medical and nutrition studies, yet claim to KNOW that "calories in, calories out" or eating more

I wasn't there, so I would assume she made the best decision she could in a terrible situation while suffering serious injuries herself. It seems as though her brave and selfless decision saved lives.

What purpose are you serving by wondering that? What point are you trying to make?

Oh honey, the self-hate reeks. You admitted yourself you make ample use of the social setup wherein your youth and beauty make up your entire worth. You wouldn't need that crutch if you had a semblance of actual confidence. I mean, you don't even bother to hide it and then pretend to laugh at the suggestion of it. But