
That's the popular thing to do for some reason. I guess hating Xbox justifies a PS4 sale? It's like everyone that buys playstation products hate Microsoft by default. Me and my friends are Xbox gamers but we don't hate Playstation...I don't understand all the hate....I just don't

It did. But people don't seem to realize that and just love to keep saying Xbox is doomed blah blah blah. ...If Sony had won they'd be rubbing it in everyone's face but it's not even reported on here...

People like you make me hate gamers.....and really make me not want to visit this site. The amount of hate on Microsoft here is ridiculous. It's like picking on the president, everyone seems to do it and it's super annoying. I choose Xbox over Playstation but that doesn't mean I hate playstation fans or rip on ANY


I'd say the Borderlands DLC has done that to a degree but yeah that and Bethesda games and WoW are the only games I can think of that actually "expand" they're games with DLC

This and Assassins Creed Unity DLC.....what is going on with Ubisoft? Games are buggy, DLC is buggy and uncreative......are they just used to consumers giving them money for anything so they think quality doesn't matter anymore or what?

I can't access it either

I have the season pass and I can't access it as well

I wish it was a thing. I live in Elgin and shits boring out here. But we had a local Austin gaming group that met at ACC Northridge. It was fun while it lasted

I miss the Greenbelt.....hurry up winter!

It's a great game. Hope all works out for you man. I can't put Far Cry 4 down.

Xbox Live has been working fine all day yesterday and today for me but I can't connect my PS3 to PSN...

Wow you actually went out and looked up all the dales figures....This must really mean a lot to you I guess. Well if it'll make you happy and shut up then I guess Sony is just plain dominant. Nobody else should even try to complete with them. It's clearly a Sony world out there so let's all burn our other stuff and

Yes. It's awesome

If Sony was so dominant for both of those generations than how did the first Xbox sell enough systems to warrant the 360 being made? And if they dominated the next generation how did Nintendo sell enough gamecube systems to warrant the Wii being made? I don't think Playstation was as dominant as you think it was. When

Totally agree. I personally thought Xbox won customers over more with the 360 than the PS3 did. But it's like wishing Nintendo to fail after the WiiU didn't sell well in its first year. Now I'm pretty sure Nintendo is gaining ground after learning from their mistakes last year. I'm glad too I always loved all 3

Well I own all systems and I think that's a shitty attitude to WANT any company to do bad. You do realize competition is good for the workplace right? And if sales figures matter that much to you than I'm sorry. I tend to just play games and enjoy them from ALL publishers and companies. I could care less if my console

Cause it's THAT big of a deal isn't it?

Basically. Dumb isn't it?

Some people just can't ever let the other guy win lol. It's sad that people are legitimately having a better year and people still gotta piss on the parade. It's like Sony people just can't stand to hear good news about the Xbox. I'm a Xbox fan and I still wish PS4 players all the fun in the world. I don't know why