Is there a new light gun that can be purchased for duck hunt? If so than I'll be 5 years old all over again this Christmas!
Is there a new light gun that can be purchased for duck hunt? If so than I'll be 5 years old all over again this Christmas!
It's actually not that broken anymore and works fine for me. I question Halo being on this list and Destiny isn't
Yeah I feel exactly the same way. I have friends who can't stop playing it for some reason and I can't stand the game. The whole time I played I didn't know why I was doing what I was doing. And the levels are all identical and linear. The game got old very fast for me
Where's Jasons article on how it's unfair for one system to get a exclusive game? Fkn Sony fans are so hypocritical it's ridiculous
I'm tired of the bias gaming crowd too. It's pretty sad that one side throws a fit over a game and then this happens and it's widely accepted. Hypocrites.....
Funny how nobody is freaking out mad lol. It just shows how some Sony fanboys start crying and are getting so upset over shit. I know it'll be on Xbox later so I'm not upset at all. But don't tell Sony kids that they can't play tomb raider....They'll flip their shit and start throwing a tantrum. It's stupid really
nailed it
Well written article. Pretty much summed up how I feel about the series. I loved it at first, but there's just too many of them now. It doesn't even feel special to be an assassin anymore. It just got stale over time like Guitar Hero and COD.....I think I'd enjoy them more if there wasn't always a new iteration every…
It's wierd. It happens actually a lot on Xbox One. Achievements won't pop up or unlock for a whole day, and then one time when you sign in you'll randomly unlock like 8 achievements in bulk. Not sure why this problem still exists. It pretty annoying honestly. I've had this achievement issue since the console first…
Yeah actually I have. I checked the forums on halo waypoint. It seems there's issues with achievements and matchmaking but Microsoft and 343 acknowledged it and are working on it. Hopefully everything runs smoother in the next 24 hours
Have fun waiting a year for most of those games
Watch the Documentary called making the legend. There's literally 30+ minutes of footage just showing all the work they did.
Same. I'm about halfway through CE and love it all over again
Looks and plays amazingly. So smooth, so detailed. Definitely the new crown jewel for Xbox One
Lol if you think this is just a re release than your horribly informed. There's way more work put into this than 99% of "remakes"
I really enjoyed it
I can't wait. They really put a lot of work into this I think. Looks amazing
My body is ready. Master Chief Collection
I think it fits. Luke is the only force wielder still around, makes sense that the force becomes reawakened after the fall of the empire and the new jedi academy is established. It also fits the story which I won't spoil on here. But yeah. It's a very fitting name
I personally can't stop playing it. It reminds me of ratchet and clank mixed with borderlands. And the movement is like prince of Persia and prototype or something. It's really fun and the main thing is it doesn't take itself so damn seriously. So it's just fun. I can't get mad while playing the game, it's just random…