Comes with a free pair of faux-wayfarer glasses and a slightly too snug cardigan if you pre-order now.
Comes with a free pair of faux-wayfarer glasses and a slightly too snug cardigan if you pre-order now.
Ukelele Hero: Hipster Edition™
The fellas over at Bosley are probably going bald over this.
Wow, that's pretty damn cool. I'm more of a vintage synth guy, but that's just sweet.
I also loved that film. I've pretty much concluded that it's one of those rare films that people either love or hate. I found it fantastic.
Hey, I find it good looking if the girl can pull it off right. Better than that low-rise crap that went on for so long.
Since 80s high-waisted jeans are in again, it just makes sense that we have high-waisted cars too.
Explain to me how having this app on Android defines it as poor mans?
How this post wasn't written by Ray is just completely mind-blowing.
It's funny how I've seen just about every car listed on this page floating around Southern California back when I lived there. The place is like a car haven, I tell you.
I used to have such a huge crush on these a few years ago. I still want one.
It's Esperanto. You heard it here first, people.
You take your neo-Esperanto and get out of here this instant.
I really just loathe these associations. MPAA, RIAA, the list could go on.
This is a terrible ad, especially coming from someone like GM. I barely noticed the text floating off on the side until I re-watched it.
You'll be back. They always come back.
If this were regarding a vagina I bet you'd be all over it.
It's almost like we're experiencing the 80s pt. II. The fashion is back and so are the phones, apparently.
I'm getting full signal strength, which almost never happens. Thanks Coronal Mass Ejections!