
Obviously the other half of the third image was cut away.

Wow, it looks like a Lexus! she tripping on acid or something in the headline picture?

The first thought to enter my head was, "Aw man."

Ah, I thought you were speaking about the green and white version. My bad.

I think it would probably work better if they added a pin on the bottom to keep the rods from clanking together. It would most likely sacrifice some of the clean design, but it would work.

Microsoft aren't exactly known for delivering good looking fonts.

That font looks absolutely horrid. Please, Microsoft, choose a better font than something that looks like it came pre-installed with Word 2010.


Obviously this article is credible since it was sourced via the Daily Mail.

I don't understand why he's turning into a fucking bitch about it. I'm sure he could easily afford a tiered data plan.

Unrelated, but I've always thought it was interesting how iOS has always looked strikingly modern compared to other OSes. Even iOS 1.0, which dates back to 2007, looks great today.

I liked that random Bon Jovi song playing in the background. Made the incident seem almost whimsical.

The Android version of this really needs to happen. I love using Lightbox and all, but Instagram just seems worlds better.


Meh, they had it coming for a long time.

Those chrome headlight/weird-grille-thing surrounds look like something out of the 1980s.

Does that nose come with the glasses?

I'm hoping I wasn't the only one who noticed those profile pictures of the same guy in different scenes.