Nuff said.
Nuff said.
Great job ripping off the Audi R8, guys.
Very, very unfortunate.
At this point, yes.
And this is on a technology blog because [insert naive reason here].
It's pretty, to be honest.
Can anyone tell me how the 80s were big in the naughties? I don't remember anything that even closely resembled the 1980s back then. If anything the 1980s are what is big right now. What, with all the analog photography, bands using old synthesizers, and even dressing like that time period. I haven't seen anything 90s…
Thank you George, you've been great. That's it for me!
Gizmodo: Promoting fabulousness for Ke$ha videos since 2002.
I'm so moved by this. What an absolutely charming man. Can't believe people can be so cold and heartless sometimes, especially to take from a person like that. They'll get what they have coming to them though, I'll tell you that.
Always had a bit of a fetish for the big clunky electronics, especially audio related, from the 1980s. I mean, they were just so cool looking.
I really don't like Porsche as of lately. All their cars have become huge and bloated. Makes me miss the 911s of past.
I can't see anything in that picture. Oh wait, a Camry you say?
That's not surprising in the least. It's a Scion, after all.
Used to see tons of these around Southern California when I was a kid. Always liked their looks.
They looked way to similar to the Altima that was out around the same time, which is one reason I think the J30 never sold. Great looking car, though.
Always was an odd looking van. So spaceship-like.
I swear I just saw another Apple ad.