Cody Lindgren

What the WHAT?! This is turning into a straight-up Gaffigangate!

Like a joke tree falling in the comedy woods

"Have you noticed that the Wikipedia page on airplane food isn't as good as the actual airplane food?" *standing ovation, obviously*

*walks out on stage* So, the folks who edit Wikipedia pages. Have you heard about this? *adjusts tie*

That's a fair point. Putting it under the umbrella of "Season Review" is a bit misleading. The grade seems arbitrary. It's the same thing that Entertainment Weekly does, which would be fine if this were an AV Club magazine, but the structure itself does seem a bit out of format from what AVC usually does.

Here's an amusing FARGO: Season 3 related story. Somebody on the Wikipedia page for this upcoming season is determined to spread the word of Jim Gaffigan. Based on one Hollywood Reporter article from October, Wikipedia insists that Gaffigan is a main cast member. As time went on, it became pretty safe to assume that

Yeah, I don't get why so many people are so up in arms with every pre-season review. This is the way almost every newspaper and magazine has done TV reviews for years. I understand that it's a little frustrating to see reactions based on a couple episodes when so much TV plays as a bigger story now, but this is how a

I thought I remembered a couple others where the guest didn't go. I actually really liked both of those episodes though. Mary Holland has such a likable, funny presence in the LJS ep, and Carrows is one of my favorite episodes of Doughboys just for Erin's story about going to a new school ("Um, does anyone want to be

"Carrie Beans?" pops into my head way more than a reasonable amount?

I see your point. I do think that the competitive aspect of it is not as interesting as just discussing a different movie every week, but I realize that's not as big of a draw for many listeners.

Totally understand. They certainly can be polarizing, but they really know what they're talking about and their passion for film shows. I know there's a lot of people who don't like the slam dunk episodes, but with so many podcasts focused on terrible movies, it's refreshing to see lengthy discussion of classics.

I took it more as Georgia feeling anxious having a friend wait on her, which I can relate to, but I see your point, and it is a bit underwhelming when the guest didn't have the meal. A slight letdown after an extremely great hot streak in 2016, though Wiger's combative sound drops every week (and Mitch's parodies of

Logged in for the first time in a while to talk about the most recent WSGLL. Glad to see others talking about this one. This may be my favorite episode yet. Wild Horses episodes are always a highlight for me, but the super dark tone & hilarious escalation made this one. I particularly loved all the references to

Really pleased with how strong this is starting out. The bedroom scene was one of the most consistently laugh out loud funny scenes I've seen on TV in a while. Nice to see Duplass break type a bit by playing more of a nebbish (which he also does really well in last year's excellent The One I Love), and this might be