
I applaud your musical choice selection.

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Vote: Cyberduck (OS X)

Three words: Safari Activity Window

Behold!!! The holy grail!

@Lazarus: Condescending comments like yours are the best, jackass.

@pierre: A B string, eh? I play a 5'er too = )

@stre: We use Lotus at my work as well and you know it just as well as I do, we don't deserve any love. = )

Yo Brad, dumb it down for us bass players who don't have that extra B and E string = )

First of all, very disappointed to not see Issac Asimov in the results, but a few keen commenters mentioned his name prior to my showing up. And what about the writings of Stephen Hawking??!? Come on people!

@codykniffen: Correction: I CAN drop this onto my iPod touch. = )

I can only assume I can drop this onto my iPod touch as well? If so, I'll be doing that this evening.

I'm a fan of anything that looks, acts or feels like a shell. Fun, but this is far from useful.

Quicksilver FTW!

Not only is this tutorial and concept amazing, but so is your choice of music. The Black Keys are spectacular.

Works in Numbers, a part of iWork '08 for the Mac as well.

My mom works for the local accountant. That means free. = )

Here is my complaint with such services: someone can easily send you on your way to one of the many disgusting corners of the Internets such as Tub.......well, use your imagination.

Ummmm...could someone post the rest of that Mac&Cheese recipe?