
This is great news, I just posted about it as well. I've always been interested in trying it out, and now there is nothing holding my cheap ass back from doing so.

Does anyone know if the ability to chat with AIM contacts is coming to the Google Talk client itself? If so...well, that'd be radass.

@gyffes: In Quicksilver Preferences under Application do you have "Enable advanced features" checked?

This is pretty impressive. Excellente' post.

I have been using iStats Menus for this as well as the network monitor plug-in. Looks like I can uncheck the Date/Time option now.

Best. App. EVAR!

The first time syncing process is slow and teh suck, taking forever and I've only got 400 MB in my gMail.

I love my IMAP, but this is taking forever = (

Excellent clarification, Adam.

Scaling via one dimension in Automator? Now why would that be? I'm not at the Mac to test this but I'm almost certain Automator isn't stupid enough to allow you to only STRETCH an image across one dimension. Surely the aspect ratio is maintained when scaling.

This is absolutely the most rad news I have heard all year. Seriously. A just a few short days after getting the iPhone [] running on my iPod touch.

Creed??? Bad example, but a handy link. = )

I'd enjoy doing this, but I am with Verizon and can't justify the cost for an iPhone, or the early-termination fee w/ the big V.

Shift+Enter will fill in the [www.] and .net for those .net domains you can't live without.

I take a pad of paper or my "HipsterPDA" to my meetings, unless of courses it's a boring presentation on new software that I have already learned or am familiar with. If that's the case, I spend my time sorting through e-mails and on Meebo.

I refuse to buy any cheese "singles" unless they are Kraft. Just wait till you bite into a generic "oily" cheese slice... it'll turn you back to the name brand in a heartbeat.

And, how about access and complete syncing with iCal? Please, pretty please?