Cody Gregory

Mmmk; if you say so. Here; I'm gonna keep it short and simple, seeing as Disqus keeps deleting my posts.

Okay. If you say so. Feel free to keep attacking me as a person, and claiming all this "expertise" that you have (that's what trolling is). I'm just trying to point out why this whole writing comes off as nothing more than a whine. If he wants to write about how SK is a bad writer, go ahead, stand up for that idea

Okay. If you say so. I'm just saying; all you're doing is attacking me and talking about all this "expertise" you have (that's what trolling is). I'm just saying that this seemed like it was supposed to be a piece on an upcoming Stephen King project. What I got out of it; is that the writer really doesn't like SK and

You put all of 3 seconds into that comment, right? The writer in this is the one who seems to be treating his own opinions as fact. The writer took his own opinions and used them to just bash the subject he was writing about; and threw in a smattering of the tiniest bit of facts talking about what the entire piece was

This is actually the worst journalism I've ever seen. You attacked your subject; you made a mockery of your topic; and you gave absolutely no backing up of your statements. Overall….you're just a bad writer; and I'm sorry that they could not find someone better.