
Its the only reason I haven’t updated my hdd on my ps4

God, I was scared to death by RE1. But I used to beg my older cousin to play because I loved watching it.

If you wanna feel better, just go look at my post history. Sometimes I wonder how many were drunk post and how could I do that while sober XD

I want a fact hat...

I’d settle for this

No wheel barrel or snacktaku shirt!?

Coz people will buy it anyway and the company saves a couple bucks.

I imagine as fun as a eSport event if that’s your thing, how longs you’d be able to actually watch without getting board is another story.

I like the idea of it being one big game show.

This really feels like a scuzzy move. I personally don’t use reviews for the only way of deciding if I wanna buy a game or not, but it is nice to look into a game before I pre order it(I don’t pre order much anymore unless there is a certain edition I really want or to show support)

Quick, delete your post!

Or a little revenge on Robert’s bastard since he, and most of his family is dead.



Now to show this clip to my son and tell him there is a secret giant mode to unlock.

Woooo! Can wait for it to be F2P so I can probably rage quit it...again...

I have one friend who I hate playing these types of games with. Mostly because he is always a Cylon/Hitler/whatever evil thing we are trying to find.

Heh, I could already see my self not wanting to to use it after the first couple times cause “it’s too much work”

*cries cause he could have been working on silent hills*

I wonder if that means a lot of euro cars will get shipped here in the coming years?