
“I apologize IF anyone was offended” is pretty much Trump’s campaign slogan at this point.

10 years is harsh, but surely there needs to be some sort of punishment.

Someone had a good idea for buffing his ult on the overwatch forums.

Not a lot of them no, and when they do still have them, it’s just Chucky.

Yeah, I can agree that it would be too much for a child that age. But I still see the draw.

I honk less hinges is a good thing. My younger sister broke hers and my son has worn his out. If I do buy another console for my daughter or other son, it’s probably gonna be a 2ds.

Well, it looks like a spooky Chuck E Cheese, so that’s a draw right there.

Yup, I actually thought it might be a budget phone for a sec.

He might not mean scary.

“Your right!”

Ouch, I’m not sure why people would get hostile.

Is there a devblog to go with the reasoning behind the nerfs? Just curious as to the why such nerfs were handed out.

Wait, optical gives a better sound? A friend of mine said HDMI is the better option(I can’t tell the difference because I basically have shit in my ears...according to my mom)


I haven’t played a hitman game in years, but did the old games have people speaking in subtitles? Really am asking because it’s been awhile and I honestly can’t remember.

I was hoping for a study’s review xD

I can’t stop crying

I think it really depends on the game tbh. A RPG can we really fun the 2nd time around, some FPS games can be a slog.


Ehh, maybe. But I'm the nerd who pays for the old nes/snes games XD