Okay... but the multiplayer is a big part of why the game is so beloved? Don’t get me wrong - I love the campaign - but I think TF2's multiplayer is still one of the best out there.
Okay... but the multiplayer is a big part of why the game is so beloved? Don’t get me wrong - I love the campaign - but I think TF2's multiplayer is still one of the best out there.
This post paints a really bad picture without full understanding of how IT infrastructure works. When the good folks down in IT see an activity spike and files start becoming encrypted, they shut everything off in order to isolate the threat. It’s kind of like closing fire doors. Unfortunately this sometimes means…
I did not think it was possible to lower my opinion of this guy any further, but wow.
This guy is also the same guy that stopped paying his employee’s healthcare plan while still taking it out of their paychecks, causing an employee who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident to rack up half a million in medical bills with no insurance.
I’m just here to tell Jim Spanfeller, Paul Maidment and the rest of the cowards to get fucked.
That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.
When is the last time that you got into a real fist fight? I’m putting my money on both “in the last ten minutes” and “never in my life”, and fading any option in the middle.
You receive the kind of energy in return for what you put out. Try giving kindness a try? Or I dunno, continue having a shitty life and being really mad about it—no one here will care tomorrow.
You seem to have a lot of deep rooted repressed anger inside of you. Please seek a mental professional to help you with that.
Bro, who hurt you?
You say you don’t give a fuck but you just posted 3 replies over a 12 minute span to a single person who provided one comment with some examples for why the lady might not be at fault for her situation. Seems to me that you’re whole “I’m a baddass who doesn’t care” persona is a big fat lie and you’re actually just…
Fucking crybaby
We rarely know everything behind a stranger’s situation. Maybe she had a death in the family and booked last-minute tickets to attend the funeral. Maybe another family member just called to say they’re suicidal or in desperate medical condition, and she dropped everything and booked the only seats she could grab.
They came pretty close last election to booting King out. The public embarrassment of Iowans over King’s reliably crazy, hateful comments appears to be taking a toll. Hopefully, next year will be the end of him.
Western Iowa. He’s their only Republican House member out of four. I think Dems flipped two of the seats last year, and nearly flipped King’s, which was impressive considering it’s an R+11 district.
Awesome comment