
Too bad this video only shows the Tahoe. I’d like to see how they install the carbon monoxide leak in the Ford Interceptor Utility.

Did they bring a blown head gasket too?

Someone got COTD for this a while back and I loved it:


wow sounds like america is salty that russia did some sick maneuvers in front of our lame ass plane

I had a four and a half foot tall fir in a tub for twelve years. Once a year I would prune its roots and repot it, a la bonsais. It spent eleven months of the year outside, and was brought in for the month of December.

The true hero of the piece is David “No Jeep Left Behind” Tracy who ignored the gunfire to walk out into no man’s land and fix the poor jeep’s broken wheel.

...does that mean he’s not coming on then?

OMG, is that the latest fad pastry in NYC, like cronuts?

Because everybody deserves one.

Eat some ass, Josh. It probably won’t make you live longer, but at least you won’t be online.

Welcome to KFC, may I take your HORDOR?

Take my money, and I’m leaving on the Willie Nelson for President bumper sticker.

Word of advice: before assuming you can bring one of those pop-up canopy things on to the beach, check with the town about beach rules.

Ah yes the morning what fresh hell am I living in today briefing

Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.

I don’t believe this article is encouraging anything other than helping people who’s lives have been overturned by war that a vast majority of them wanted nothing to do with.

This is an outrage. I’m calling my representative in Moscow and lodging a complaint.

Man, it must really bum you out to hear that climate change involves increases in extremes of all types, such as droughts *and* floods. How are you to possibly know what to think if scientific concepts have the slightest bit of nuance or complexity? We’d all better stick to smartphone reviews just to be safe and not

I want to see a venn diagram of overlapping and account holders.