Q. What do you call a giant ship immovably stuck on a solar-scale orbital ring?
Q. What do you call a giant ship immovably stuck on a solar-scale orbital ring?
I bet they gave him a stern torquing to.
Hey guys. The CX-3. That is a thing that exists.
Joule thief!
If only there were some other place where people could socialize and purchase alcohol for consumption. This might catch on!
Please pardon my rudeness, but:
yeah well, at least these Jet updates won’t kill anybody
If the i8 started dissolving in the water, would it become the solution?
I worked with one guy who never asked what people wanted. He’d get one veggie, good. One pineapple and ham, jackass. And you always order pepperoni right? He would only get pepperoni with jalapenos. May he rot in hell. I like jalapenos, but not on pizza and you can pick them off but the taste still lingers. Veggie,…
Right car brand....wrong model. Should have used a FORESTER.
A life-changing discovery that my partner & I made during a trip to the Caribbean a few years back is the Offline Maps feature in Google Maps. Before your trip, you can select a designated area & download the map directly to your phone & track where you are w/in that space even if you don’t have service.
I am so tired of people who don’t enjoy Chipotle deciding they are morally superior to those who do and turning it into some kind of humble-brag (“I’m just the sort of person who has a higher standard and it isn’t worth it for me to risk my health for a burrito.”). Nobody is impressed.
This is a prime example of early mussel car.
Impressive barnacle find.
Putting in a plug for NM Pinon Coffee. Hands down, the best ever.
you never survive a long flight, you just endure it and then your life is changed forever.
Just build a rasberry Pi.
Wiseau serious?
A woodchuck would fuck up as many fucks as a woodchuck could fuck up if a woodchuck could fuck up fucks.