
It’s Kingdom Hearts. Fun as the games may be... Logic does not apply WHATSOEVER.

At least the not-WorldWarHulk has purple hair to emphasize he’s not The Hulk?

I can’t stop laughing at the absurdity of that.

You just gave them a better game title for a sequel... Eggs Men Unite!

All the males are, anyway. All the females have proportions that even Liefield would envy... and less clothes.

Damn sure the second he conjures a crowd-sourced project... folks will just dump tons of cash in front of him. Really, if Inafune got millions for a Megaman-styled game within a day... Kojima can get that just as well, and then some.

Well... One trip to deviantArt’s will remind you of this... and provide worse nightmare fodder if you ever dare to shut off the Mature Content Filter.

His wife was a turtle???

He was able to play one of Marty’s relatives for a short role in the last episode of that game, however.

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Thanks to Team Four Star... any mention of Cell now brings about this:

Mmmmm... wait.

So they’re reformatting Hunters yet again? Amusing... I wonder how many more times will they be completely transformed before WoW’s finished...

They do this *all* the damn time. Really, Sunday Comics. In fact, Gawker, and many of these networks in it’s ilk, exist solely because they’ll copy/paste relevant bits of articles, get the ad revenue here... and maaaayyyyybe folks will click the full articles from their “sources.”

I think at this point some of those characters should just slip into the Street Fighter Universe proper. Sakura was a guest character previously, which means it’s not a stretch to fit them in the same world... Also it’s been sooo many years; highly unlikely they’ll ever revisit the series proper.

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Where I lay my head is home... See that rock? That’s my pillow!

Boogerman DLC costume for Birdie confirmed?

Something’s different...

Makes sense. Though I’d prefer if that wasn’t the ending anyway. Seriously. Bad guy wins? Blech. Draw would work tho. The only solace for the actual series ending is that eventually he loses. Not after a looooong time of him being more and more despicable, but still.