
Oh great... compare the pizza’s uncircumcised cock bandolier to that of the Malboro eyes. Bad enough it’s got tentacles...

Edit: Just read another article on it. It’s a holder for smart phones, and with an app to simulate. Makes sense... also silly me.

You *KNOW* some folks will crack this sucker open and put fully functioning tablets in the near future. Can’t wait to see someone run around with this for real. Hehe.

So the original Conker, as opposed to the “Live and Reloaded” version? Suppose the censorship in the update is lamentable, but it added more levels and a new multiplayer mode.

...but Scooby-Doo originated in the late 60s... so um... that one design would be THE design for that decade.........?

The Butcher variants aren’t too shabby... that Vrykul Leoric is pretty sweet, and they *should* capitalize on crossover skins like this more often. Novazon is a great idea as well!

You’ve just given folks a good reason to use this otherwise funny-looking skin.

I hate to make the comparison... but it’s a far more tolerable version of the Transformers films. Really, tons of special effects left and right... Although actually there’s quite a bit more of that than the TF films. (Really, youtube up the TF trilogy fights... fits in a 20 minute clip.) Also, the humans are

Fire-fighter Raptors?

There’s another thing Sega can do with Ryo Hazuki... have him as a guest in either a Virtua Fighter update, or DoA if they’re still working so amicably with Tecmo.

Yea... they really do need to do this... I mean, how many folks played BOTH games? I had the first on DC, but I never grabbed an XBox for the 2nd chapter. (Shenmue 2 only got ported to Europe in the DC.)

Considering the cash that Shenmue 3’s raking in via Kickstarter... how about doing this for BG&E2?????

I’d eat it.

Funny part is... it’s no where near as silly as say, DoA.

Consider that the games, while loved by some critics and fans... were commercial failures.

Joking aside, if they want to ensure that FF7’s PC port sells on PS4 like hotcakes... they should toss in even a 5-minute demo/tease of the new game’s engine.

So in about 40 minutes... this sucker hit 500k in pledges. Guessing it’s going to happen... not sure about those 4 mil + goals though.

If there’s one thing I wouldn’t mind coming after this... it’d be good remakes for FFV and FFVI. They pulled their cash-cow trump card... you KNOW they’ll have the coin to bring up a few other remakes. >_>