
Yes, and the book is written in a fantasy language with lots of very similarly-spelled words with drastically different meanings, and a loose grammar such that if you misread a word/sentence boundary, everything after that is gibberish.

It's a RPG Maker game, so it will run on Windows/Mac, like Zeta/Omnicron. It is not a ROM, and will not run on handhelds. (unless there is a RPG Maker emulator for them.)

That would be compiled code and resources. I don't know about the resources (although I suspect the versions on the disk would be highly compressed and downgraded to fit), but compiled code is very different than what people usually work with, and tends to be nigh-incomprehensible.

Empoleon is the final evolution of Piplup, the Gen IV water starter. (The middle evolution is Prinplup.)

The mechanic makes use of the circlepad, which allows players to walk or run at different speeds—or, in this case, even tip toe. While it's extra work, you'll want to catch Pokémon like this if you have the chance. Anything you nab this way is more likely to have better stats, if not special moves. One Poochyena that

Actually, the first round has tactical value; by manipulating your choice you can pass false information on your strategy to your opponent. (EX: a player who prefers to go for the risky huge payouts could make their first move a much safer one to get his opponent to misjudge them.)

They're not running FASTER, they're running MORE per initial trial key. Eventually, they will reach one that overwhelms them. Using this strategy, they get more GRs before they are overwhelmed.

People would do it to get MORE gear. You said you didn't notice a difference between the loot between levels 20-27. Somebody who levels up 5 at a time would get two rifts in that level: 20 and 25. Thus, they would get two shares of the loot for that level. However, somebody who travels one level at a time would get 8

It causes the difficulty to increase slower, thus allowing you to complete more GRs before the difficulty overwhelms you.

It has changed already. If you go to make a purchase that costs more than you have in your account, you are prompted to add more. However, one of the options in that prompt is "Add Required Funds". This option will charge you the exact difference between your balance and the price, leaving you with an empty wallet. I

Have you seen this mod?

Have you seen this mod?

Actually, from what I've read, you get a Slowbro if the Shellder bites the tail, and a Slowking if the Shellder bites the head. I could be wrong, though.

Technically, it's impossible to have better defenses than Shuckle, not counting abilities. Each stat is based on 5 things: Level, Base Stats (Fixed per species, 0-255), IVs (Fixed per individual Pokemon, 0-31), EVs (Start at 0, max 255 per stat, max 510 total, grow based on opponents and used items), and nature (5

Thanks to a 3DS modded with a capture kit, 'Twitch Plays Pokémon' finally ventures into the Kalos region. With Lady Helix on the team, how can it fail?

It's because they are the most recognizable.

It's not the white block, it's what happens when Mario enters the water/another area: He becomes invincible.

In Gen II, they had certain "IVs" for specific stats, but in newer games there is no effect on any other part of the Pokemon. (Except Spinda's spots, but who cares about that?)

Double post...

Onyx is Rock/Ground.