
You're is really solid. But its a really solid platform for what will come.

So far in the few weeks we've had Bungie has rolled out new elements and adapted really quickly. That's whats keeping me interested in the game, the lingering question of whats coming.

I'm enjoying the game, particularly the strike and raid aspects. But they really need to develop a way to make the strikes more variable.

Right now once you've played a strike twice it starts to get real repetitive. You can expect where the spawns are you know the bosses movements, so players can shut them all down

Exactly....he had no ability to know SO should have done absolutely nothing.

That's exactly what security is trained and paid for. If the kid had come directly to him, sure grab him and hold him for security, but don't chase him, catch him, and then aggressively bodyslam him.

The coach had a hold of him...all he need to do was march him off the field. Except he hulked out and used excessive force on a scrawny kid. Big time money is going to be paid out here.

That kid deserved to be tackled, and if he was running around evading security, than yeah crash tackle him. But this...this just reeks

I had moved away from the loot cave of late. Not to say I didn't make a quick stop there between runs.

Mostly I enjoyed the random chaos that ensued when the wave of hive came from all directions...that firefight was great fun.

I've run into a few trolls that sit in the cave and obviously walk away from their console.

Easy fix is to just go to orbit and come hopefully get a new server and grouping of players so they are gone.

Also, not sure if its frowned on but I also reported them for inactivity.

The idea of working a day job to skill up reminds me of mini skill games in RPGs and MMOs. they sound fun and are for the first half an hour, then the grind becomes insanely repetitive and boring.

I'm still having to explain to people that didn't understand the finale that, no, they weren't dead the entire time.

There is an Australian league player who during the game had his testicle crushed in the leg/hip socket after it dislocated momentarily.

The guy knew something bad had happened but played the rest of the game nonetheless.

That is a BIG assumption to make.

In downtown LA I say it would happen quite frequently I would say.

Have you heard the audio from the encounter?

The police are actually very very polite and professional. She was the the one getting in a frazzled state.

The whole thing would have been over in 10 seconds if she had shown her ID.

If you always play the victim card you'll always see yourself as the victim.

His earning power is destroyed....good.

Any animal that sucker punches a woman deserves to live a poor and miserable life.

There are drills players do that force them to push the ball out infront of themselves and cover as much court with as few dribbles as possible.

I'm sure a great basketball mind like yours would know about these already though.

Usually is cases like there there are two kind of people that are voicing their 'objectionable opinion'

1 - Homophobes
2 - Assholes

You isolate the live vocals for ANY song intended of have a backing track and it sounds off.

There are no ifs or buts. EVERY singer sounds like this beneath their live music.

Once they're in my tv cabinet I can't see them so stop caring what they look like.

Didn't Microsoft plan this exact digital lending system for the Xbox One but everyone lost their shit over not being able swap games with friends like they already do, so pulled the plug on it?

I know today isn't the day to make light of the situation....but his mindset and actions speak of an emotionally unstable person with no impulse control.

I don't see him sticking around for too much longer without some great mental health assistance.