
You see hits from the same angle and ferocity happen every game and both players skate on. This one time Sedins dips his head towards the glass a fraction of a second before Byron hits him. Sure its 10 minutes, but long term penalties shouldn't apply.

Are you going to start dishing out match suspensions every time

If its a pat of the let me know I'm doing a good job. Yeah I don't mind at all.

I don't know the dude, but from a 20 second clip he looks like a stuck up piece of shit.

The dude taps him on the back....and he turns on him like he fucked his wife.
Imagine if it was a kid who tapped him? He would have looked so nice facing up to a little kid right?

Not even a pat of the back to say "nice catch buddy"

That reaction to a slight pat is fucking ridiculous...imagine it he turned all aggressive and it was a little kid wearing his number? He'd look like a right dick then.

Can someone compile a stat to show the losing percentage for teams that wear their t-shirt uniform.

They are horrible and the league needs to stop trying to make them a thing.

Double dribble into a foot violation....streetball is legit!


The kid puts two hands on the defenders chest. And man he sells that slight push BIG TIME.

If he didn't grunt and add the obnoxious clap after the foul call I actually would have let him have that play But, shit damn even with only 15 seconds of footage you can tell that kid is a little asshole. So crucify him!

Thats showmanship right there.

Yep. I passed high school and everything.

We still going. Cool.

What else you got bro? are

How about you do the same?

I think its polite not to ruin the plot twists or endings to shows and movies for people whenever possible.

So you're alright with sitting your kids down now before they watch any of your favourite classic movies from you childhood and just spilling every spoiler?

Its a cunt of a move to spoil anything no matter the age

How about you look back at them and give me an abridged version.

Replying to trolls who reply to me?

Soccer is not Australian Rules.

For pointing out an incredibly wrong point?

Geez buddy who shat in your mouth this morning to make you so hostile?

If you propose on a big screen at the baseball you deserve to be turned down.

Any time a crowd of thousands of drunk college kids congregate it has to potential for things to get out of hand.

The mere fact you don't see the kids acting up is proof to show the police presence did its job.