
I think the odds of it are pretty high.....just knows the right people I guess.

So true.
As a coach you try to enforce the 'play to the whistle' mentality.

But surely all these kids have seen this trick play by now. How does it still work?

I'd be more impressed if he didn't feel the need to tack on 2 extreme slow motion versions of it to the end of the video.

To be fair....the prisoners we brought to our country were white. So that makes us a little less racist right?

Just ask Shane Heal what we think of pompous little wankers.

To be fair....Lance Franklin did buy twitter followers. You don't make a jump like that without a little professional help.

One of my biggest gripe with NBA players is the force over aggressiveness they feel they have to carry into the game.

If someone bumps you or gives you a look it almost feels like you are expected to make a show and dance of how much of a 'big man' you are by posturing up.

So the 'living the dream' part of this is playing on the same team as Lil Wayne, right?

World over a large proportion of atheletes that play high contact sports are simple minded thugs that mainly come from low socio-economic backgrounds and their 'star status' gives them a sense of power that they will always try to play up and exploit.

I think he will gain a measure of respect from a large base of players who aren't think skulled neanderthals. Players and coaches that understand it took more guts to come forth the way he has instead of lowing himself to slander and general thuggery.

For me he is more respected and those people defending players that

Saying NZ and Australia are culturally the same is like saying the US and Mexico are culturally the same.

But hey facts mean very little when you are labeling entire countries as pro-rape.

In a league where goal difference can be a deciding factor for tied teams making the playoffs then I dare say crushing another team is 100% acceptable.

If they where 10 year old children yes.
In a professional league.....nope.

Because you are getting destroyed by 7 goals you decide to start a fight. That is the definition of poor sportsmanship.

I'm all for tough hockey and the occasional fight, when its warranted, but this is just a total embarrassment for the Flyers and their fans.

Damn...someone is just button smashing through that whole speech.

I'll buy the first player to bust out a smiley face.


From the angle of the bottle it isn't tipped enough to be drinking. We've all pretended to let a young child drink from a beer bottle, but most of us never actually let them do so.

But saying that, does the video show the bottle tip up and the baby chug the brew?

And drunk Liverpool supporters.

You don't see much European or South American sport do you?