
I'd travel for that

Doesn't mean he wasn't lying. Or lied to. It's the cartel. remember.

Couldn't agree more, line of the episode: "Throw it away a little more"

Jeez dude, read much?

Woah, whad I miss?

But when asked she stayed silent about knowing Jimmy was going rogue with the commercial to protect him.. at her own expense

Can't be a montage, they didn't fade out at the end

Maybe they built the world's biggest stairlift just for that scene?

Crane then quadbike then on foot? I was pretty distracted by the throbbing house music soundtrack all the while. Best part was, it built up heaps of suspense - but exactly nothing happened for the whole four (three?) minutes. Foretold plenty though

Or the whole invading Laos thing.

I like never knowing what Archer's lame lines are. Actually, he had me with Stir Friday.

Lana: I am so angry at you right now!
Archer: Well, you shouldn't give me that power..

Is complicated enough without all this evil-twin-bullshit having!

Nice spotting!

What thing about bears??? I musta missed that reference.