Kill you and marry some punk that works for you? I understand that feeling.
Kill you and marry some punk that works for you? I understand that feeling.
You must be a blast at parties.
“Junker” was, perhaps, an affectionate name, but the reference was more likely to the Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG, a company that made a few aircraft during the Thirties.
I could see the Captain’s death to be the product of jealousy.
Sounds like something my wife would do. This is why I’m in charge of vehicle maintenance...
But not you! You see through the veil and you are enlightened!
Jesus fucking Christ, if you’re giving your hard earned dollars to a high-salary career bureaucrat’s legal defense fund just to stick it to Trump when there are kids with cancer and kids who are hungry you should just fucking kill yourself because you’ve failed at life.
This is how Apple makes itself relevant again
This ends with Apple, Amazon, or Google buying the company with the loose change found in their couch. Tesla’s current market cap of ~$41B represents roughly 20% of the cash Apple has on hand.
Funny thing is, BMW’s reliability isn’t exactly killing it. They’re living off a lot of press clippings, IMO. There are better options, frankly, than Bimmer.
It should be and it should’ve picked up a person. This is why none of this makes any fucking sense. How can a system that expensive and sophisticated not be able to do the most important job it was designed to do in the first place.
I kind of agree here—this is a repeated problem with the roll out of driverless and driver-assistance tech. The way we have things going now may be insufficient.
And yet, they’re starting to roll out buses without drivers, steering wheels or brake pedals. While the tech has yet to be proven. And soon they’ll want to move to big rigs as well.
the other issue in addition to this is what looks like an over-reliance on the system—it’s not just that he car itself wasn’t sufficient, it was that the person was putting more trust in it than it deserved, something we’re seeing time and time again with this tech.
She’s invisible to us on a video recording. She shouldn’t be invisible to the sensors on an autonomous vehicle.
This. When it first happened, from descriptions I assumed she darted from the sidewalk or was walking on a sidewalk and somehow stepped right in front of the car. This video just shows the driver not paying attention at all and she was in the middle of the road. While she was jaywalking, the sensors should’ve picked…
Unavoidable my ass! Having found the video, if these self driving cars are supposed to have such sophisticated sensors it should totally have been able to detect her in time to avoid her, or at least make an attempt.
The point here isn’t “a human driver might have killed the pedestrian, too.”