Definitely not legal in the US. Although in front-plate-optional states, you can probably get away with it on the front. Anywhere else though and you’re asking for a ticket.
Definitely not legal in the US. Although in front-plate-optional states, you can probably get away with it on the front. Anywhere else though and you’re asking for a ticket.
Yep. Learned this one the hard way. Except not on some winter beater, but rather a 20 year old Mercedes with a highly over-engineered telescoping wiper system that cost almost a thousand bucks to repair.
As a New Yorker who’s 100% Italian and has been the subject of racial/cultural stereotyping my whole life (are you sure you’re not in the mafia? wow look at all the hair on your chest! wait say ‘gabagool’ again!) let me be the first to say who gives a fuck.
I actually read the Bottle Blonde dress code, and nothing jumped out as particularly racial to me. It just sounds like they have a douchebag problem, and need to spell out exactly what is and isn’t acceptable to meatheads who think their Affliction shirt is the height of fashion. The dress code seems to be just as…
I can't stop saying bro, bro.
If you equate an internet comment with 'abuse', then you're a lost cause.
If you equate an internet comment with 'abuse', then you're a lost cause.
You truly are an idiot. Please, never write about military technology ever again.
Oh okay, we will...
I'm gonna go with NSX...
Methinks someone over at BAE used to play with Starcom toys back in the early '90s...
I guess they don't mind having an accused child rapist as their president. Good judgement all around I suppose.
By 1/3? So you're hoping, at best, all this draconian nanny-state bullshit will save less than 100 people a year. And that's a best case.
Elected. Yeah sure they were. LOL.
No it's not about that at all, because it won't have that result and anyone with half a brain knows that.
You're an idiot. Enjoy your gulag. Your pal DeBlasio is a big fan of them from what I understand. Just ask the Sandinistas.
Well is sure as hell isn't going to save any lives either. So it's either for revenue or just to make drivers miserable. One or the other.
This is the dumbest fucking game ever created by man. I'd rather watch professional horseshoes.
Bring it on. One side has all the guns and has been practicing for the apocalypse for the last few decades, the other side has gender studies majors and Bronies. It'll be quick.
Not very much at all, is my guess. The Russians can't build a fighter like the Raptor.