How many? All of them. Literally all of them.
How many? All of them. Literally all of them.
Olds 88 for sure.
Yeah you're right. It's totally realistic for a fully equipped soldier to repeatedly leap five feet in the air in order to avoid enemy fire and land mines. It's pretty much lesson one at boot camp.
Yeah those pain-in-the-ass doors were a pretty hilarious running gag.
For a lousy $1200 you may as well roll the dice. It's not a great looking car, and not in a good color, but it's the most weird you can buy for that money.
Thirty grand? Please. For that money I could get a V6 Mustang.
Jesus as if we needed any more evidence that college students were completely useless.
That is literally the dumbest looking race car I've ever seen.
I cannot believe that the Zonda has been around for 13 years now. Jesus.
How is a long-lasting erection preventing him from having sex? I'd think just the opposite.
Ha... that made me curious, and yep, they do...
The most interesting part of this article is that K&N makes a filter for the Prius.
Must be really easy to work on.
Is that rear wing functional? Because if not, it needs to go.
I know... you'd think in their million-dollar budget there'd have been a few dollars for an aerodynamicist to give the thing a once-over.
This isn't a car for mere mortals. No backyard mechanic is going to buy this thing and tinker with it on his free weekends until he gets it going again. This is a pre-restoration vintage Lamborghini.
Well, closer to 11 seconds anyway. But still not bad. I wonder if he still has a warranty?
I've said it before and I'll say it again; 90% of Europe makes Alabama look positively cosmopolitan by comparison.
Sheesh, all of this for an X6? It's not like these things are rare.