Huh, and I thought this article was going to be about Shadow's apparent suicide at the end of the game… he dies no matter what you do! :-/
Huh, and I thought this article was going to be about Shadow's apparent suicide at the end of the game… he dies no matter what you do! :-/
And regulars. :-(
I actually teared up when Martin abandoned Finn again while Finn also lost his arm, way back in 'Escape from the Citadel', and I would be very disappointed if that didn't win some kind of award.
Technically it's been way more than a week of build-up, since we've had reason to suspect Gunter at least going back to the beginning of season 2, when Hunson noted that Gunter was "the most evil thing he'd ever seen" (or something like that).
Or maybe the interference and its consequences (Martin going cosmic) were the changes this Catalyst Comet was meant to bring about.
Quick point - I don't think Star Wars canon works that way anymore, since Disney took over. Now it's more "it's not canon until it is".
Is that true for all of the comics? I know the ones Ryan North did (and now whoever took over) aren't canon, but I wasn't sure about the other series.
No quicker than Simon, I'd say - he even held it together enough to make sure his family was safe.
I can agree that these episodes (like the introduction of Martin in the first place) would have benefitted from more time, but I'm still okay with what we got.
Those peppermint stripes support that theory.
Whoa. Is that possibly meant to be a foreshadowing easter egg? PW, you sly, sly guy.
Probably too much going on already to include him. I'm sure he'll make his grand re-debut as the Lich at some point.
And we basically saw the Lich kill Billy too.
I think Martin's cop-out answer of "nothing I say will be satisfactory" is an implication that we'll never know the full story… but we still haven't really gotten to Finn's mother yet, so who knows.
To be fair, Gunter / Orgalorg is a pretty weird cosmic alien thing.
Caitlyn is a medical doctor. Why does she need to know astrophysics? It's not useful information for her.