You can bash it, but it probably edges out everything you can afford.
You can bash it, but it probably edges out everything you can afford.
You’re wrong.
I’ve always noticed the same thing. How come these configurers don’t show the true color??
Because I owned a 2002 Tacoma from the craddle to the grave I accidentally buried it in. I was it’s only problem.
I think you mean it bottles your mind. Also, I’d rather walk than drive a Frontier.
3G 4runner and ls1 car at my home. It’s the best of both worlds
NYS you are not allowed to drive a vehicle without shoes on (not sure how this is enforced exactly), brodie knobs are illegal, and paying sales tax on used vehicles! What if we’re going on the tenth sale of this sweet vehicle... if it was a TV on craigslist you wouldn’t pay tax again.
Mustangs seem to be removing themselves X)
As a cyclist it is crucial cars make noise.
Crazy this just happened to me on lunch with an ambulance. No accident luckily but there I was with my windows up from the oppressive heat coming up to a divided highway with a raised median for super cool trees and plants and I look to the right for a split second and nearly get blasted by an ambulance!!! Funny thing…
Toyota would turn drifting into a lullaby. haha
Lmao. I remember hearing about in the news of all places, and there might have been a recall. I did a quick search before my post yesterday and was having a hard time finding pictures of smoked seats though. Congrats on the baby!
Besides those early 2000's Jettas. Remember that? The seats were catching fire from the heated seat electronics I think. Crazy
Good point. How about sever? Is that better? You can’t be from NY...
Upstate homey
Keep it up. 2019 we’re annexing that dingle-berry you call home.
My company hires a couple co-op’s every summer and I can confirm. I started asking seemingly odd questions in the interviews like ‘what do you drive’, and ‘ what projects are you working on at home’ to sift through the 4.0GPA kids who don’t know how to actually get things done that may require some time in the model…
Could you picture the 2005 DTS-V with the vinyl top in all it’s FWD glory?
what in tarnation... I did go through a “-V” everything phase when my dad bought an 06 STS-V though.
Haha don’t waste your time; I wouldn’t read it.