
Including a guy who spent wayyy too many years studying injectors at Delphi. Soot isn’t the enemy even if it looks like it.


Well go tell the professors at RIT that their incorrect in regards to ICE emissions. What’s your source; the onion?

My point is from an economics point of view. What was yours again?

I hope so. I’m all for it!

Regenerative hybrids aside, the same folks win when your electricity comes from a powerplant.

*gallons per barrel

I finally understand. You can yield more gallons of diesel per gallon than gas. Therefore the gov’t will continue to punish auto makers for designing and putting diesel engines in production until they quit with those pesky diesels.

They’ll wish they made it when they have all those 4cyl left over that no one put in their new camaro. ^_^

My brother and I use to get egged on at the volunteer fire departments all you can eat pancake buffet. We were probably 200lbs combined but damn we could eat! (Now I’m fat.)

I can vogue for this. My first job out of school was designing frame components for *****. Samsonite... I was way off with what I imagined.

What a crazy series, right? Good luck to all



I can see that. My best friend had a 2013 wrx hatch; I have a 4runner and a camaro. I considered trading both my vehicles for his multiple times. Great vehicle.

Goes to show how much everyone’s been watching... the opposite happened 3 games ago in Ottawa. #getoffcrosbysdick

keen eye. I saw the pipe, color and vents and thought who would be trying to mimmick it to this day? haha My parents had one. What a blast, aside from parking when the viscous coupling was acting up.

More excited about the lifted 5.9L behind it :X

Don’t forget about those of us who forget to register once in a while :X

Preventative maintenance, choosing a common brand/manufacturer, keeping wear parts in stock at home is the majority of my wrenching nowadaze.