Space Coyote

Lots to unpack but all good people doing good things.”

It is absolutely more than good enough. Better than when Harmon came back, probably? Lots to unpack but all good people doing good things.

At the end of the day its still a great cast doing some funny bits. Its not as good as the other seasons but worth a watch if you got the time

It’s an uneven season, but I think it’s still worth a watch at least once. The good episodes are really good.

Sneed’s Feed & Seed (formerly Zuck’s)?

For $200, this visual representation of a moment captured in time can never be disappointed.

I didn’t get a Community notification for this?

Yes, it will. The mask is not supposed to stop you from getting sick. The mask is supposed to stop you from spraying droplets that get other people sick if you are an asymptomatic carrier

Hooray for more Stumptown!

Happy Love Day, everyone!

Griffin? Is that you?

Dustin Hoffman sounds like a real piece of work....shit....he sounds like a real piece of shit.

How dare you have a moderate and reasonable opinion!


Joker is a fine movie. It’s fine! It’s not clever or original or anything like that; it’s full of POINTLESS Batman scenes; it’s definitely not a best picture contender but Wacky Phoenix is a very good actingman and I enjoyed watching him do an acting for a

Goddamn it!!! Now I’m missing Deadspin all over again...

It’s important to respect everyone’s experiences and opinions which is why it’s so hard not to think about how great Pronoun’s I’ll Show You Stronger is and seriously it’s such a damn good album.

Keanu a merry Matrix, Keanu a merry Matrix, Keanu a merry Matrix, and a Happy John Wick.

Tom Petty died in 2017 so there’s that. 

Who is Alex Trebek? 

I’m surprised Homeland didn’t make the list. Though I guess the fact it only ran for a season and a half and no more episodes ever aired no matter what anyone says didn’t do it any favors.

I’ve... seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attacking nerds on fire as they Naruto-run across the desert to Area 51. I’ve seen a billion screens glitter as an untitled goose steals a hat from a gardener.