Space Coyote

From the same episode:

The Blinding of Larry Driscoll

The FOX network has sunk to a new low.

That's the homeowner tax!

See Virunga. It is streaming on Netflix and it is really interesting. The pacing almost reminds me of a thriller.

My name is Zweig.

I'd buy that pilot. You can have choreographed waterboarding.

Linguo is dead.

How could I not make this list? Or even the tortoise? Or the talking dog? Is it because we were all hallucinations brought on by Mexican insanity peppers?

Did you know that there's a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise of the AV Club? Think about it.

AV Club has ruined my life. I'm only 31 years old.

Well, They are out there somewhere, AV Club writers! And Rex Banner will find you.

They had to get more bullets at Big Five.

It was his association with Wang Computer that did Uter in.

No deal McCutcheon, that moon money is mine!

That just reminds me of Abe Simpson's immigrant father that looked exactly like Homer. Oh and they lived in the Statue of Liberty.

Don't forget Capital City Goofball! "Honk!! Honk!!"

I hope it was a high five from Mail Chimp.

You mean Mail Kai-imp, Kimp

We could combine them!