I’ve literally never seen him do that. He’s an asshole, but we are are you getting this?
I’ve literally never seen him do that. He’s an asshole, but we are are you getting this?
Fuck you, cunt.
I knew you idiots would jump on the “toxic masculinity” bandwagon once again so you could ignore the elephant in the room that is Islam.
Why the fuck do you think he had PTSD? Scared young man? You really want to make excuses for this son of a bitch, don’t you?
I bet you got a boner when you read that tweet, knowing you get to post your little meme again. How disappointed are you that it wasn’t a gun attack? It was a Muslim too, did that ruin your Monday?
The concept of fighting is terrifying for a liberal.
The attacker was a Muslim, apologist scum.
Curling up in a ball and embracing your victimhood is truly the liberal way.
No, the proper liberal technique is to lay down and offer your ass to the attacker. You fucking idiot – how did people like you make it through high school?
What the fuck else are you supposed to do, lay down and die? Way to be a stereotype, you trembling, cowardly liberal pussy. You seriously think the police can always protect you?
Was there even a gun involved in this crime? Jezebel change their headline.