
This whole anti PC bullshit on the right is just amazingly bad. They have taken the idea of “political correctness” and applied it to things that used to be just “basic human decency”. Sure, some things are just ridiculous, almost all of those things are one offs or made up or exaggerated in chain emails/Facebook

The point is to make fun of Asians, duhhh!! Donald Trump is destroying PC culture so it’s ok again to be racist.

The are reminding everyone that they have the right to be total assholes to those other people. It’s can’t be rude, or wrong, because they are have free speech dammit!

Sometimes I think they’re trolling as you suggest, but sometimes I think they’re just reasserting their right to be total assholes.

This is fucked up on so, so many levels more important than this, but: karate is Japanese. They can’t even get their racism right.

You win! You win! You win! Creepiest yet most accurate comment on this thread. Your attractive Jezebel tote bag will arrive in the mail shortly!

And I looked and beheld a pale man, with skin like the belly of a slug. In his right hand he held a machete, and in his left hand he held the decapitated head of a cheetah from a game reserve in Africa. And lo, his name was Eric.

He looks like Pestilence, the 1st of the Four Horseman.

That neanderthal hairline. His appearance screams “not-too-bright.” And that is the exact opposite of smizing.

I’ve re-run his faceoff with Sherlock at the pool more times than I should admit.

I cannot peel my eyes off of him whoever he’s on screen. He scares me to death, but is also incredibly compelling. Is he more like a tiger, or a Komodo Dragon? Hard to tell. Usually I’m not interested in total psychopaths as characters, but I can’t drag myself away from this one portrayal of this one psychopath.

This man needs to be a part of Season 4.

You must respect this honour, use it wisely. And congrats.

If someone posts the video and you watch it, make sure you don’t answer the phone when it rings right after.

Can I just say that I think Jennifer Garner is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood? Have you noticed that she looks lovely just leaving the gym and walking down the street? I bet she’s one of those people on TV and in the movies who looks lovely in person, if you merely run into her at the park or at the

Walk around eating handfuls of loose hamburger meat out of a bag labeled HUMAN FLESH.

If I were famous I would fuck with paparazzi like this all the time. “I’m pregnant!” “I’m dating Jennifer Lawrence!” “I just got cast as the next Batman!”

I personally am waiting to hear she hooked up with Liev Schrieber.

Would’ve been more fun if Garner said she was dating Angelina Jolie.