Don’t forget Austin! He’s dating Sierra.
Don’t forget Austin! He’s dating Sierra.
I blame their mothers. How could it be the father’s fault if he wasn’t there?
Do you mean Jayden, Jaedin, or Jaidan?
Sure, in 1993. Now they’re called Riley, Chase, or Carson.
But that’s a medical exemption. In that case they’re not against vaccination generally, they and their kid’s doctor have a valid reason not to vaccinate that particular child. To protect that kid, we need herd immunity.
They’re concentrated in alternative schools (surprise!) Seriously, all the public schools in my Canadian city have extremely low opt-outs (0-5%) but the public alternative schools are all upwards of 25%
And then when women want to be miners or marines or engineers, we have to fight for the privilege and put up with hateful, sexist bullshit.
If his artist’s statement had been, “The human body is beautiful in all its incarnations. Let’s celebrate that and piss off a bunch of grumps,” I could’ve got behind it (so to speak.)
It’s like an orange on a toothpick!!!
I think having a more diverse PD is a part of taking the the pressure off the few black cops to fit in with the current culture. Another part is adopting some of the de-escalation techniques police use in other parts of the world. I once watched a single, unarmed officer peacefully arrest an angry, disorderly, drunk…
Alternate headline (and apologies to sanitation workers):
But if they were white, male soldiers who took a photo with their fists raised, you wouldn’t give it a second thought. Any group of soldiers who gave a nazi salute, including these women, would (hopefully? maybe?) be in trouble.
#notallchads I used to work with the greatest Chad. He was always a well rounded decent human. Kids and puppies loved him.
Also isn’t Burk’s post a political partisan activity?
there’s more and more non-alc beer options out there
Will they tho? fyi, we had a meeting up here in Canuckastan. We decided if you don’t GET OUT THE FUCKING VOTE we’re closing the border on Nov. 9. Sorry, eh.
I just saw this documentary. You’re all fucking doomed anyway.
Good luck with that. As a veteran of many, many earnest student orgs, I would be getting the popcorn to watch that discussion.