I kind of enjoy the old man get-off-my-lawn-ness of it all. Makes me want to set up a safe space on his lawn.
I kind of enjoy the old man get-off-my-lawn-ness of it all. Makes me want to set up a safe space on his lawn.
The one home birther I know spent the next 10 hours or so unable to get from the floor of her bathroom, so other people worried about it. She also remembers clearly thinking at one point “this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” But that was mostly because the kid put pressure on something internal in such a way…
Bicycles I knew about- hussies with their independence- but forks?
:) Yay!
Canada doesn’t have a national medical system! It’s a provincial responsibility!
Did you know that when anesthesia first became a thing, and it started being offered to women in labour (late 1800s) many conservative religious were against it? Why? Because the bible clearly states that women should suffer bringing children into the world- something about a snake and an apple.
The advice I’ve always followed is to lose no more than 1-2 lbs a week. The thing I enjoy about the non-sexy regular exercise and healthier food option is that I don’t get hung up on the number on the scale, and I have happier feelings about my body generally. If my jeans start feeling tight again, I have a look at…
I’m gonna go, and I’m gonna bring a little sumpthin’ to add to my diet coke, because what the hell else is a summer monster movie for?
It’s supposed to. That panicked feeling is what keeps you in line. Ah, hegemony.
I refuse to google “hotdogging” and you can’t make me
Add Candleshoe (with Jodie Foster!), Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and The Rescuers Down Under. Starred you just for Secret of Nymh!
Sadly, no. They’re all about fitting you in person. Some of the brands they stock (and I’ve bought) are Elle MacPherson, Chantelle, and Rosa Faia.
Went bra shopping last weekend. Due to my band/ cup size, getting something that fits in a colour other than white, black or beige was like unicorn hunting until I found a little indie shop where they actually fit you with each bra. They have multiple colours/ patterns/ styles in my size!!!! Woot!!!!! Would never burn…
Thanks for recs! I saw Happy Valley and was thinking of watching it when I’ve worked through the other shows I’m watching.
Um, the US doesn’t really have those things, except maybe the economy.
If Dominique, Ashaunti and Laniya had stopped for police instead of running, maybe they’d have been raped or shot. For anyone who thinks they’d deserve it, last I checked rape isn’t a legal penalty in America- go join ISIS already if you think it should be. Madison and her friends have fewer worries when they get…
Counterpoint to other comments: If the police used different tactics (set up a road block, followed them discreetly until they stopped) instead of a car chase, the kids wouldn’t have gone off the road. This chase could’ve easily killed other motorists in a head-on. The cops are supposedly adults. Maybe they should be…