Conservatives just want to go back to a simpler time when men were men and sheep were scared.
Conservatives just want to go back to a simpler time when men were men and sheep were scared.
Maybe this is a good place to brag on my wife (slightly OT):
Some state and federal officials have portrayed the drop — 3 percent of enrolled children — as a success story, arguing that more Americans are getting coverage from employers in an improving economy.
The racist is the most fragile and insecure snowflake of all.
My first thought was that the airlines don’t want to pay licensing fees anymore.
But why would a feminist take their call?
Back at ya! <3
“Prototypical everyday sadists”
Imagine dedicating a not insignificant portion of your time to trolling a blog.
Is the name Ava Berlin raising red flags for anyone else?
Ah, done in by a drive-by attack, I imagine—a pilum from a chariot?
Uhhhhhh it literally took like fifteen years for R Kelly to face ANY reprocussions for what he did? Anthony Anderson has been accused of of rape and sexual assault multiple times and has like five TV shows. It took what like thirty people to take Cosby down?
“I’m always super surprised by people married to predators who don’t seem to realize it. How much interalized misogyny must someone have before they accept some behaviour is beyond the pale.”
“Enough men have done enough vile, abusive things that fall short of outright sexual crime that we need a way to figure out if they can seek, and gain, redemption and continue to contribute to society,
Twitter’s home page should just say: “I liked you more when I knew you less”
This kind of shit just makes me think of when the smoking ban in bars went into effect. Suddenly, a lot of us smokers were forced to go outside on the patio and interact with other smokers we weren’t normally friends with or were really just bar friends. So I found myself surrounded by some right wingers from time to…