
I mean, if people see it as murder, dont they have a right to try to stop murder? Maybe a scientific examination of the arguments is necessary...but that would side with pro life, so lets make an emotional plea instead

how do you overcome the facts of another person being murdered?

So much hate here

Because it doesnt create clicks, that’s why they cant be trusted on other issues in politics, its just about clicks, not about truth. But not just mainstream media outlets, its also true of the late great Splinter. Clicks over truth

Counterpoint - chocolate milk is the perfect drink

You clearly dont know the Taliban

In other news, hospitals and non-hospitals murder millions every year

tell us another one, i LOVE conspiracy theories!

Youre delusional, this is why capitalism works. But the truth is, that most people dont want an echo chamber. Being super leftist is super cool and everything, but like most dreams, its not a long term position that actually works. Another super leftist political site will pop up, promising to do things that will

only to get right behind them again at the car rental, more relaxed and less panicked

Preach, though i would take it a step further and say people who are try to get ON the plane as quickly as possible are also lame. I want to spend as few moments on that sardine tincan as possible. And thats coming from someone who doesnt check his luggage either. Never had an issue finding space for my stuff once on

Whatever you need to say in order to make you feel better about belittling your fellow humans. Kudos!

Your point doesnt excuse your racism, whether intentional or just an overflow of what’s in your heart. 

Crafty? thats dog whistle language you racist!

How DARE you compare illegal immigrants to animals!

Or maybe you can allow people to think for themselves, ya douche

so you’re advocating for more white guys? strange

I’ll miss the unique takes on sports, i wont miss the awful takes on everything else.

I think theres a difference between this and “evangelical” I think that may be too broad a term, plenty of evangelicals dont use these scare tactics to tell people about Christ, and plenty of non evangelicals use similar tactics. I understand that you had it from an evangelical source (sorry for that, people are the

Its science, are you a flat earther too?