
All these people trying to defend Biden and yet use the same arguments to make fun of Trump. LOL.

Nothing is sadder to me than this election cycle. Democrats claim that Trump is akin to Hitler or something, and this is the field that we try to replace him with. Its maddening, we have the President we deserve.

Seriously, please dont stop this level of reporting with the next president, don’t stop providing us the hard hitting journalism we come to expect. Biden should provide you with plenty of material, dont hold back!

You must get the show, eh?

HAHA, you’re calling that out but you make a home for people to equate Trump to Hitler, make everything Republicans do seem like the most heinous thing ever, just an insane blind spot on your own hypocrisy 

Whoa whoa whoa, you talk about blackmail?! The LGBTQ organizations openly threaten businesses and individuals threatening all sorts of action if they dont advocate for them.

Nah its totally him

What i have an issue with is the disqualification. Was it in a vacuum or was it after a warning? Refs ask basketball players to tuck in jerseys, so i dont see anything wrong with a ref asking a swimmer to pick their wedgie. But from the sound of it, it went beyond what can just casually happen with a suit, so it looks

clothes arent just clothes, everything sends a message. Your daughter can wear whatever she wants/what you let her, but you’re naive to think that non verbal communication doesnt happen from what someone wears. The problem is that the message isnt the same as what is heard/seen by others.

Benjamin Watson - independent thinker.

You praise him here because he agrees with you, but as a Christian, he’s got perspectives you’d hate.

My perspective as a cis gender, white male, i think it’d be cool if top athletes went to HBCUs both for themselves and for their colleges. Id love to see Grambling take down

When she gets tackled hard, are we going to open up an assault charge? Can you answer that with confidence?

Its 2019, its a bit presumptuous that ALL (or even most) the people on the football team identify as boys

Kinda like how if you dont advocate for LGBT right you’re anti LGBT?

Her 70% of US pollution makes up what percentage of global pollution? Asking for a friend....China....

One thing you miss in here is the masses following calls to cancel someone, and just do it to be part of a movement, without thinking for themselves. We need more critical thinking, less of people telling us what to think

Mindless faith is wrong yes, but so is claiming you have your own thoughts about Jesus without actually studying him for yourself, reading a gospel (Mark or John for example) and trying to just reading it without inherent bias one way or another.

Now playing

No, they say Jesus isnt Jewish because he was miraculously conceived. Its an insane position to take, but thats what they will argue as to why they can still be “fans” of a “Jewish” Jesus.  Below is a good watch.

Because somewhere in their churches/upbringings, racists hijacked scripture to make it agree with them, even though its verbal gymnastics. Those racists twist scripture in the same way others are now twisting it to say its not against homosexuality, which it most certainly is.

As a conservative Christian who is opposed to gay weddings from a biblical standpoint, trying to make gay weddings the same as “mixed race” weddings on the grounds of the bible is absurd. Look, you can be pro-gay marriage all you want, but the bible is pretty clear on its stance on homosexuality (attempts to have it

Maybe you’d see things differently if you didnt build a conservative strawperson. Conservatives care about messaging as much as liberals do, and liberals hate certain messaging equally or even moreso than conservatives in many cases