
Any cryptocurrency list without Dogecoin is incomplete

I care about your life, and you cannot say that i said otherwise in any of the thread. That may not fit your story of pro-life people, but its the truth. YOU MATTER! and so does an unborn baby.

and the answer to your question is murder? Even for squatters, there’s laws in place, you can take them to court, get a restraining order. Murder is never on the table for squatters.

Why does the number of homeless people taking up residence in my home against my wishes matter when discussing if its right/proper to shoot them in order to get them to leave. Your analogy failed, thats alright. The problem is still what value does human life have if it’s helpless?

Does the likelihood of something happening change your opinion of what’s right?

So just deaf and blind cripples and homeless

So you are for killing cripples and homeless too?

Ok, is all pedophilia the same, or is it a scale like autism? Cause all that’s defining pedophilia right now is an arbitrary age distinction. I’m in no way in favor of old dudes preying on the young, i just dont know what’s so special about a specific age of adulthood, an age that hasnt been consistent through recent

Did the baby enter the womb, or was it made there? The crime is the existence of the baby in your comparison? Is anyone’s existence a crime?

Or asking Jesus on his position on Net Neutrality? It’s never talked about in the bible

I mean, they think that abortion is murder, and the science doesnt exclude that idea, so can you blame them from wanting to stop that amount of murder? 1st world quality of life is secondary to you know, life.

My aunt Irma says the same thing

Totally agree, im not a supporter, but crapping on anything a bad guy does just makes the legit things harder to agree with

What you mean to say is “whoops, got caught dishing out fake news”

Little Ceasars got robbed - the intangibles on price alone should have vaulted this higher

Just so you know, you’re the worst for dragging politics into everything

To protect the QB middle class we should allow teams with middle class QB’s to have home field advantage, or start with a touchdown lead

Good grief, by complaining about everything SHS does or is, it’s harder to take real criticism you may have of her seriously

So what IS actionable, in a world where any action is criticized, what is the long term action plan for me to follow to not suck, instead of just apologizing for it.

As a wisconsin fan, i was waiting for this article to know when to expect the inevitable season killing loss. Thanks for setting my expectations for saturday