
Regardless of Wisconsin’s non conference schedule, our conference is weak enough that we always need to run the table to have a shot at the playoff, and we ALWAYS find a way to crap the bed. Wisconsin football/basketball - always a bridesmaid, never the bride

I think i initally had this reaction of “not me” because i had several of my friends that made much more sweeping statements, and made me feel like by not defending myself, i was relegated to being a racist for not being as balls to the wall for BLM as they are. With that said, my reaction to the reaction is still

Hot take mountain bellows with a mighty roar. Villagers are forced to parrot the hot take they don’t fully believe in to avoid being lumped in with the greatest evil. Nuance and even a step towards a centrist view is condemned as being just as evil as the great evil. All hail Hot Take Mountain!

Is it ok to say that both sides are bad without saying both sides are the same amount of bad? Or is that not acceptable on hot take mountain?

a replacement that native speakers dont seem to want but is white america telling them whats good for them

standard for who? non spanish speakers? a quick goog seems to indicate native speakers/readers dont care for it, but is a white acedemia telling people what’s good for them

Really? Latinx? Latin American too long that we needed a gender neutral word created rather than just dropping the vowel to Latin?

Seriously, not a liberal at all, and this is really weird stuff to say...either this guy actually thinks Trump is godlike, or its a false flag for the media to devour so they can do the real work unencumbered with questions 

Now playing

I stumbled on kabaddi and thought it looked great

Are we going to treat him the same as Rachel Dolezal now? or are we going to be sexist in our racism?

For someone that wishes she had an abortion, maybe this was her way of experiencing giving up a child. Knocked it off the bucket list

I hope you join the fight for that type of equality and not just casually say go for it. We need female support for this movement

Are you ok with dudes wearing sleeveless shirts as appropriate attire?

Smokes everyone in his sport...lets not pretend he could beat Marshawn Lynch on grass

Kat might just feed you the nonsense you crave, but facts arent her strong suit in that video

If that’s the best argument for why transracial isnt the same thing as transgender, the case is in a lot of hot water. Logical fallacies abound and no real understanding of what transracial people deal with is taken into consideration, clearly Kat is ignorant on the subject and shouldnt be speaking about it.

If the Lakers think they are a target for lebron, what does that mean for lavar ball? yeah lavar not lonzo

Maybe, just maybe, people that disagree with LGBTQ policies (even some, not saying all) don’t ACTUALLY hate these people, but simply disagree.

Its good to see people mirroring the story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, even it it was her job.