I saw the illinois license plate and suddenly everything made sense
I saw the illinois license plate and suddenly everything made sense
Makes Hillary’s loss all the more embarrassing. Not only to lose to an incompetent opponent, but to an incompetent campaign. How stupid do you have to be to lose to a big dummy like Trump?
How dare a POC not tow the party line. We demand she be found out to be privileged and therefore her view is dumb and ill informed!
“For the past few years, the nation’s capital has watched as it has slowly changed from chocolate city to vanilla latte city, so it was good to see the District maintain some semblance of melanin on a national stage.” - Racist
See, this is better than threatening violence against conservative voices
Matt Powell knows his stuff in the sneaker world, a sneaker whisperer when it comes to seeing where trends are headed.
Shocked to hear that Canada still has gender binary bathrooms
I used to work for Footlocker.com, the main mistake UA made was flooding the market with too much product trying to grow too fast. They never should have made the Curry 2.5, and the fact that they havent learned that lesson is evident by the new Curry 3Zero. The Curry line cannot sustain the second season/offseason…
Gimme gimme
Look at the crowds in playoff basketball is your argument? Really? Then throwing around buzzwords like “alternative facts” like it proves your point? I’m glad the bucks are doing good, but that doesnt make my point invalid that nobody cares about the bucks. There would have been plenty of ways to get the bucks…
Feel free to make fun of the protesters too, you can agree with their side of things without protecting their stupidity as well.
That said I think Wahoo needs to go and will make a distinction between that logo and logos/names of other teams. Redskins/Seminoles/Irish/Fighting Sioux/Braves/Indians all seem to hold their…
I’ll have to try the resting hands on a towel trick
Having A woman coach in the NBA does not mean that Women in a pluralistic sense want those jobs
Fine reporting until the strawman arguments from those supporting the bill...i dont support the bill but dont support poor journalism either...well at least i try not to, but the click was had, so i guess theres nothing further to discuss
We forget that a player like Harden is likely making more money from adidas than the Rockets...and there’s probably a healthy bonus from both if he wins the MVP
The Raiders should definitely lose a home game to London and to Mexico in the next few years. At an extreme they could be a team without a home field and test the market for other cities (San Antonio, Omaha, Chicago)
The ceiling is the roof