
And if they are taken away, so what? Most people in the world live their entire lives without ever touching a firearm. I just don’t get the pressing need people have to own guns (I exclude rural people owning a rifle from that statement after seeing my cousin having to shoot a rabid fox to protect his dog).


People missing the point will try to point out that she apparently was only using a pistol at the time, so likely not a type of gun that is currently being targeted by gun control advocates. But the real point is the disconnect between the dream—I will use this to protect my family!!!—and the reality—that it is far

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.

Now playing

I’m going to make the argument that this was that moment;

This is the turning point when people will look back and say CNN could never, ever recover its former stature afterward. This is them shutting the door on their past as America’s news network that stayed above the muck and didn’t bow to commercial pressure or the lowest common denominator. This is the death of CNN

Agreed. I usually hear it spouted by people who had no head when they were 20, and never decided to get one.

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

I mean how great would it be if, as the Ramsay watches his army’s crushed by the north rallying behind Sansa and the immortal Jon snow with their wildling/giant army, he drags rikkon to the dog cages. He’s manic and blabbering as he slams the door and throws rickon to the floor. As he comes to his senses and prepares

That annoyed me profoundly.
WHY did they introduce all these wolves just to fucking BUTCHER THEM. WHY !?!?

A question. Doesn’t the code talks about political PARTISAN activities? BLM is not a partisan political activity. It’s social activism but not partisan political activity.

The fact that you’re a former soldier and don’t see the difference between this and someone giving a nazi salute frightens the hell out of me.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Thanks! We’re lucky to live in Portland, OR and have OHSU right up the hill. They’ve been great ☺️

I think the set up is a little too obvious, you can’t expect the twist at the end. She’s an adult so it wouldn’t make a ton of sense that she was dating frat guys-you expect a rape joke. Maybe, “I used to date athletes but now I prefer consensual”

That would have been a lot funnier and actually put some light on a real issue.

“I used to date frat boys, but now I prefer consensual.”

I’m still pissed off that this shooting, which the shooter admitted was an attack on women, did not get a ton of attention. People focused on the fact that it was in a movie theater more than the fact that the shooter was an admitted misogynist. I mean the host of a radio show even said that the shooter frequently