Hello I am a talking person here are my talk words
Hello I am a talking person here are my talk words
What a natural response to the question.
“Seriously, it’s only $20 every time you want to play.”
Oh for God’s sake. Put that stupid float away and get a job. —Bob’s mom
People who support Trump, support hate and fascism.
I say, lets test that theory... Two Scoops Jr. Go get a hat and head to Chicago...
Because when they talk, all things are no things, everything is nothing, and all words are no words. According to my friend who is a retired US attorney, that’s how everyone in the mob talks, so as to always have some kind of way of denying anything you may have said. After years of talking like that, they don’t know…
“About two seconds ‘til you get shot.”
I hope the next legitimate President can show visitors the spot where a crazed Trump took his own life.
This is the third time in the last few weeks that I’ve found myself feeling sorry for Theresa May and that just feels so...icky.
The cult is led by an orange man who claims all successes and none of the failures, of course his followers are going to blame the plants’ failures on everything but Fat Donny Two Scoops. Even if you show them the balance sheet which indicates this is a reaction to the tariffs, FDTS told them not to believe what…
“Further proof that [racist white] people are trash: A pair of nooses were found hanging outside the Mississippi state capital.”
I’d rather carve “MAGA” in the foreheads of these Trump-ettes the same way Brad Pitt carved that swastika in Christoph Waltz’s forehead at the end of Inglorious Basterds.
...all this shit is made in China, isn’t it?
perfect reply.
You think it pisses people off to know you spent $55 dollars for something worth 2 bucks and that warns them you’re trash?
The only person who’s approached that level of arrogance and delusion recently is this dumb American missionary type who travelled to India and took it upon himself to trespass onto an isolated (and federally protected) tribe’s island to save them from Satan.
Snoop is an actual self-made multimillionaire, thus his self-congratulatory speech is applicable.
Well, it has been much, much easier to spot mouth breathing idiots because of him, so I guess, yeah, he has made a difference.