Adam silver=boss
Donald sterling at the White House......
I'm wearing my trayvon hoodie for this press conference. Please give me justice nba
fuck spike lee
hope it gets the attention it deserves
fuck Seattle
I don't think it's right to take someone's personal property away because the person has a stupid ass opinion.
me too. I'll be looking for a bootleg when it comes out.
lebron=John Connor?
too much to read for a console gamer
try to find some dog lovers that foster and stuff like that and try to come up with a plan. We had to face the same situation here and We had to do what was necessary and steal the dogs from their backyard. It's not right but we gave the dogs a better life. Hopefully it won't come down to that.
I wish the worst death on all those dog abusers.
great body
I wish someone from the PC Master-race could teach me how to build a PC. I'm just a console noob. A xbox console noob