I love it! In his spluttering eagerness to attach insults to Obama in any way possible, he just threw “failed” at the wall and it stuck in the wrong place.
I love it! In his spluttering eagerness to attach insults to Obama in any way possible, he just threw “failed” at the wall and it stuck in the wrong place.
Except Smith and Wallace are the token “respectable journalists” they keep on staff to make it look like they’re a real news outfit. If they actually cared about how their coverage of this story is playing with anyone outside Trump’s base, they would can the entire Fox & Friends staff.
What’s it gonna take for someone, or some group of idiots to realize what the hell is going on here? It’s like dumbfuck day is every waking moment with this clown.
What the hell — is there a time zone difference or something? I mean, Brady would still be asleep then. . . .
Good luck!!!!! Also, this slayed me earlier this week so, enjoy.
Good luck o. The interview!! Here’s my cute buddy to wish you luck too!
Aaaaahhhhh basset hounds are the cutest! too... much... cute... at.. once... Cannot... compute... asdafdfsFDFDgfdsDESFGFDS
Boa sorte, amor! 🔆 Just shine like the beautiful presence you are, be grounded and powerful. Your Jezebelles are ‘torcendo’ for you! (I hope that is the right expression.) Bad-ass Queen Chick is your new best friend. She isn’t afraid of any fat cat. ✨
Enjoy the pupper!!
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.
“Trump and Putting discussed cybersecurity and agreed to set up a joint group to address it.” I need a joint alright, I need a joint every day all day to make it through all this bullshit.
They book those well in advance. Maybe they were planning on him having been removed from office already?
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
Blanch told NJ.com that, like everyone else, he was enraged by the photos of Christie enjoying himself to detriment of the state.
The cruelty in those pictures is astounding. Everyone just stood around watching Christie instead of trying to save him by rolling him back into the ocean.
Chris Christie Hit With Ethics Complaint
I’m a person of color. Not sure if you are or not, but your take is awfully racist. Like laughably racist.
Quite Hitler-esque, no? Don’t know what else I was expecting. Seeing America associated with something so clearly tinged with fascist undertones is pretty jarring though.
I’m admiring your restraint in not taking a flamethrower to it!
Happy Canada Day!!!!