Lulu Coco

It must be galling to be in the military and have to refer to this cowardly Dipshit, who avoided service because of “heel spurs”, as the commander in chief. And same Dipshit, who hasn’t paid federal tax in god knows how many years, calls it “my military”. When is this embarrassment to the nation going to go away?

Thank you for this because words escape me.

Spicer was just on Wolf Blitzer’s show and humbled himself by doing the right thing: he apologized. His demeanor on Wolf’s show would serve him well during press briefings, rather than that arrogant, rude and dismissive manner he has used when addressing reporter’s questions.

Meh. I’ve kinda had enough of creepy old goats and their misogyny.

He’s definitely on his way to one. His speech is becoming more and more broken and hesitant, his mispronunciation and run-on of words is frequent, and he becomes more shrill and combative when pressed by reporters. However, I think he’s just ignorant by nature. In other words, a perfect representative of the Trump

Yeah, I happened to catch today’s edition of the Shameless and Shrill Sean Spicer Shit Shovelin’ Show, where said host stammered and stuttered his way through another hour of avoidance, lies, and hyperbole.

Such a nasty woman!

Why does anyone in this effen family do anything? For $$$, of course, the more the merrier!

Con-artistism runs in the family.

And Grandma Melania smiling indulgently in the background.

Such a little sweetheart. I’m so sorry.

Maybe this crew of scrotum-scratching, knuckle-dragging, picking-ticks-off-each-other losers will fart each other into oblivion.

Pence made the speechwriter put the god parts in.

OMG!!! What has been seen cannot be unseen!

I shouldn’t laugh, but this is good.

I really don’t give a rat’s ass what President Bumblefuck says. He’s an idiot and an embarrassment.

You have a way with words and I totally love it!

Sorry about your grandma.

I can’t stand the voice, the face, and that reptilian looking grimace he makes when he tries to smile.

I am so FUCKING sick of Dipshit Donald and his whole goddam family.