
When you ask someone “What’s your excuse?,” you are directly making it about the other person, and not yourself. It’s a question that is meant to utilize shame as a “corrective” tool, in order to “fix,” perceived flaws in other people’s behavior or actions. In this case, the implict target of the question is mothers

I think that there’s a big difference between “this is my lifestyle” and “what’s your excuse?”

I’ve known women who have barely shown pretty much all through their entire pregnancy, and others who basically popped as soon as they were pregnant. I think it just varies, and not even depending on fitness levels

If people enjoy working out during and after pregnancy, good for them.

I have two kids and I’ve had to sit through Kobe’s last game for the past two hours so I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. The two aren’t connected but #1 gives me a right to have an opinion on this and #2 explains my attitude.

Good on her!

Seems like a strange, snarky, way to basically roll your eyes at women who live better lives than you do.