Oh dude. I love you, and lord knows the K family are weirdos, but the Kardashians are not responsible for Lamar’s addiction.
Oh dude. I love you, and lord knows the K family are weirdos, but the Kardashians are not responsible for Lamar’s addiction.
Quite frankly, the internet has been nothing but a blessing for hate groups and for bigots. Yes, overall the internet has had a democratizing effect and I do think it has led to people in general becoming more liberal. But it has also led to people being reinforced in their crazy ideas in a way that was literally…
Once again confirming that I, a person whose ancestors were brought to U.S. shores 200+ years ago—long before the immigrant ancestors of many a white person—am still not a “Real American” with the rights of full citizenship. Thanks, Joe Walsh, for reminding me.
Agreed. There are good people who are cops, but there are no cops that are good.
My mother taught me to respect cops, but to NEVER consider them my friend. Treat them as you would a wild animal:
Give them room,
Give them respect,
Move out of thier sensory range as soon as safely possible.
Law enforcement professionals need to be able to acknowledge they make mistakes, and work to improve. If doctors refused to acknowledge mistakes and made no effort to improve, we would lose our ever loving minds. If pilots refused to acknowledge and investigate mistakes, we would again lose our complete and total…
And existing = “flaunting”
Being outdoors = showing off
tbf, it’s kinda her job? I am no expert on this woman but I thought she made her living through her looks and social media savvy.
Why should she not show her body? It’s hot and it’s summer, and this is likely how she dresses. Is she expected to completely cover now that she has a child? I find it refreshing.
So, trying to continue her livelihood makes her at fault here? She’s not your annoying Instagram friend looking for validation, she’s literally a model.
Bring back Janice and the Jays, with Sutan / Raja as the makeup artist, and I am there for it.
In a post to her fans beginning with “Dear Ones,” the best-selling author of Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert,…
No, because I am beyond over her and her husband. And yes, even RILEY! (I don’t really like kids anyway.)
If the food is delivered late, is she going to blame the NBA?
Did you hear that moreover Texas was hiding the evidence of the NEGATIVE effect the law was already having? The whistle blower in this story is a ducking hero. I want to meet him/her and buy him/her a beer. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/e…
You guys are mean. She seems nice enough and there are worse people you could worship (Bristol Palin springs to mind).
She said she had multiple degrees, and I was like, “Whaaaaat? Get it, Amber Rose!”
“I’m one stomach flu away from my goal weight.”