I am not gonna root for people to get married just to spite somebody else. That is just immature and kinda pathetic.
I am not gonna root for people to get married just to spite somebody else. That is just immature and kinda pathetic.
No worries. “eesl” means fat thumbs trying to type on a cellphone...I will edit that!
If you actually read my post, you will see that I advocated for exactly what you are saying...tell both sides of who this man is. Also, maybe you should do some eesl research. His impact is way more than as a stand up comic or a guy who played a doctor on tv. To diminish his accomplishments and cultural impact does a…
We celebrate the work of lots of men who have either been proven or alleged to have committed crimes against women. Sadly, we are still debating the numbers being more important, not the act itself. (See any comment section debating Cosby, Allen, Polanski)
Word on the streets in April 1.
Uh no. She had choices. Too many I think. She just wanted to be a movie star.
Saying it again, if she had such a problem with that type of character, why does she keep playing them?
...except she keeps playing the same character in ALL her other movies. Seems to me she’s fine getting paid for it, but after the fact it’s an issue.
I posted just that further down thread...yesterday.
Glad to see an article was posted!
But just because I may not enjoy her branding or type of celebrity doesn’t make her statement any lesss valid and important. Applies to all the other women who came out in support of her today as well.
Kim Kardashian actually wrote an “essay” defending her right to express her sexuality and denouncing those who slut shame her for the whole sex tape thing - ZERO mentions on this site. Rowan Blanchard’s EXCELLENT and INFORMED twitter defense of Kim - nothing.
This whole article/thread has looooong passed the “getting” part.
The fact that you could fix your fingers to type a comparison between Outcast and Future...
My favorite review of this album (Pitchfork, best of 2015)includes this quote:
But I all seriousness, he did have a major accident with head trauma (got a metal jaw), so maybe?
I had better not see one damn person dressed as a “sexy” black panther next halloween...
This may have just changed my life.
What you fail to realize, in your (perhaps unintentional) critique of a movie you have yet to see, is that his success with this movie - a movie about a black man, written produced and financed by a black man - opens the door for those movies to be told. I know black filmmakers in Sundance along with Nate who worked…